
Make it easier with Video Forms

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Review the features

Monthly 160 Minutes Video & Audio Record

You can receive a total of 160 minutes, or 3 hours, of real-time HD quality video and audio recording from your customers every month.

Emotion Analysis

Obtain emotion analysis and insights from every video and audio data recorded and uploaded.

Speech-to-Text Conversion & Translate

RecRam can understand and translate your customers' video & audio conversations in 50+ languages into any other language you desire.

Unlimited Form Creation

Yes! There is no limit; you can create unlimited workspaces and forms. Conduct and categorize feedback and surveys freely.

Responses from All Answer Types

Each response means a new customer! You can receive 300 new responses every month from all types of surveys and feedback. This provides great flexibility for most businesses.


Design customer loyalty and measurement with unique form types interactively. Engage with your users through interactive video tests.

Team collaboration

With the Pro package, you can invite 6 team members. Manage your team with great flexibility along with different workspaces and analyze valuable data.

Embed, Widgets

You can display all the forms you create on your website as popups or chat buttons. Want to display the form based on the browser or device? No problem! Doing this with RecRam is completely free.

Partial Submissions

Your surveys and feedbacks never remain incomplete. RecRam can save all incomplete responses.

Email Notifications

Send completely customized and dynamic text emails to yourself or respondents after the form is submitted.

No RecRam Branding

Remove RecRam brand visuals with the Pro version and add your own brand visuals.

AI Analyses

Get incredible insights from all the responses you receive. Analyze all responses with RecRam's productive AI capabilities, make strategic decisions, and understand your customers' needs at a glance.


RecRam offers basic features such as 160 minutes of video and audio recording per month, emotion analysis, speech-to-text conversion, unlimited form creation, and receiving responses from all types of answers.

RecRam can understand speech in over 50 languages and translate it to the desired language.

Partial submissions allow information to be saved even if users abandon surveys or feedback halfway through. This ensures that data is not lost and processes can continue.

RecRam’s AI Analysis allows you to gain insights from all the responses collected. By analyzing responses, you can gather information on customer preferences, emotional responses, and more.

RecRam’s Pro version offers additional features such as customizable branding, inviting team members, and unlimited web magnets.

RecRam allows you to send fully customized and dynamic text emails to yourself or respondents after a form is submitted. This feature can enhance communication and keep users informed.

The Unlimited Web Magnet feature allows forms created to be displayed on websites as pop-ups or chat buttons. This facilitates easier access and interaction for users.

The NPS/CSAT feature of RecRam is used to measure customer loyalty and satisfaction. Through this feature, unique form types can be created to interactively collect customer feedback.

RecRam allows you to manage team members with its Pro version. Team leaders can set up workspaces, manage access levels to data, and collaborate effectively.

With the Pro version, you can remove RecRam branding and add your own branding. This allows you to personalize the platform’s appearance while promoting your brand.

RecRam prioritizes security and privacy, employing measures such as data encryption and secure servers to protect user data.

RecRam’s support team is available 24/7 to assist users with any issues or queries. Users can reach out via email, live chat, or phone.

RecRam offers various pricing plans that differ based on the features provided. Users can choose a plan that suits their needs.

RecRam provides various training and resources to help users utilize the platform effectively. Users can access guides, video tutorials, and blog posts to gain knowledge.

RecRam’s terms of service outline the rules and policies users must adhere to while using the platform. Users can start using the platform by reading and accepting the terms of service.

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